Ali Gholipour

Ali Gholipour

Ali Gholipour is an Associate Professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School, a principal investigator at the Computational Radiology Laboratory (CRL), and the Director of Translational Research in the Radiology Department at Boston Children’s Hospital. He received all his degrees in Electrical Engineering (PhD’08 at the Univ. of Texas at Dallas, and MS’03, BS’01 at the Univ. of Tehran) and is currently a Senior Member of the IEEE. With long-term research interests in signal and image processing and intelligent systems, his research is focused on machine learning in medical imaging, where he has developed new techniques and tools for brain functional localization, motion and distortion correction in MRI, image registration and segmentation, robust super-resolution volume reconstruction, and motion-robust diffusion-weighted MRI. Dr. Gholipour has received awards from the National Institutes of Health, the Thrasher Research Fund, the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center, the McKnight Foundation, the Fetal Health Foundation, and the Office of Faculty Development at Boston Children’s Hospital (Eleanor and Miles Shore Fellowship); and is leading projects on motion-robust diffusion-weighted MRI of early brain development, motion-robust imaging technologies for quantitative analysis of fetal brain growth, and quantitative imaging for improved prenatal prognosis of pulmonary hypoplasia.